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Sarona Filemu-Wong - Rona

Meet the lovely and quietly spoken Sarona, who manages the customer service team with a gentle touch.  Hailing from the sunny shores of Samoa, Sarona brings a touch of island charm to our team.  With a chill vibe and the ability to keep calm under pressure, Sarona loves working in customer service.  

Before moving to Australia, Sarona worked in the Samoan Prime Minister's office.  Although this was quite a humbling experience, Sarona finds her new boss even more statesmanlike (is that even a word? Anyhoo, she's got a great career ahead of her).

When she's not busy wrangling the customer service team, you can find her wrangling her two kids, which is probably harder than the guys at work, let's be real.  Sarona loves taking her kids to the park, the movies and grocery shopping (I think the last one is purely out of necessity).  In her spare time she enjoys hiking, playing sports, watching sunsets and drinking Coronas at the beach.  Unfortunately Sarona just doesn't get any spare time, so she has to drink the Coronas while at the park with the kids - or while doing grocery shopping with them.

Fun fact: Sarona once starred in a noodle commercial and we're pretty sure she can whip up a mean batch of instant ramen blindfolded. 

Vital Stats

AKA Rona, Sharon, Corona

Real Role:  Customer Service Manager

Likes:  Action movies, playing touch rugby & netball, shopping for her kids.  Noodles obviously!

Dislikes:  Being the center of attention (despite her noodle commercial fame).  Cold weather (she's more of a thongs and sunshine kind of girl).  People mispronouncing her name (it's Sarona, not Sharon or Corona!)

Claim to Fame:  The noodle commercial.  Celebrity however, was like a dangerous drug, so she immediately retired from acting.

Hero:  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: As a fellow Samoan and all-around tough guy, Sarona sees The Rock as her hero.  She has a life-sized cardboard cutout of him in the office and quotes his catchphrases on a daily basis.

Favourite Movie:  Sarona's favorite movie is without a doubt any film that features her hero, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. She probably has a life-sized cardboard cutout of him in her lounge room too, and whenever she needs a little extra motivation, she channels her inner Rock and repeats his catchphrases ("Can you smell what the Sarona is cooking?"). Whether it's "Jumanji," "Fast and Furious," or "Moana," if The Rock is in it, Sarona rocks it!

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