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Russ Colpoys - the Barista

Meet Russ, our illustrious leader!  He is the owner of this thriving business, who has a wonderful philosophy about working with the right people – even if he doesn't qualify himself.  Russ's primary role at work is cooking the monthly work BBQ, burning sausages for the hungry masses, and occasionally the hair off his arms.  But that's cool because hair is over-rated anyway.  Rumor has it that he's spent more time perfecting his grill skills than running the actual business.  

Russ secretly covets the office 'tool of the month' trophy despite being way too cool to win it.  He also fancies himself as a barista, attempting artwork on coffees - he calls it artwork anyway.  Just don't expect any Monet-level latte art from him anytime soon – his signature coffee design is a stick figure with a lopsided smiley face.

When he’s not working hard marketing, developing the business (and BBQing), he stays fit and has fun by riding his mountain bike, falling off his mountain bike, and doing cool stuff with his family. 

Despite his quirks, Russ truly believes in working with talented people, which is why he's assembled a team of hard-working, fun-loving professionals who share his vision for the business.  And who knows, maybe one day he'll even teach us how to BBQ without setting the whole place on fire.

Vital Stats

AKA The Barista, Boss Baby

Real Role:  Managing Director

Likes:  Downhill mountain biking, coffee, BBQing, football (ie the world game).

Dislikes:  Uphill mountain biking, making everyone coffee, breaking bones...

Claim to Fame:  While Russ may be known around the office as the BBQ master and barista, his claim to fame extends far beyond the walls of this business. You see, back in the day, Russ was a semi-professional yo-yo champion, known for his lightning-fast wrist action and gravity-defying tricks.  He may have hung up his yo-yo string long ago, but his skills have not been forgotten.  To this day, he is recognized on the streets by fellow yo-yo enthusiasts who ask for his autograph and seek his advice on their own techniques.  And while he may be a little embarrassed about his past glory, Russ still keeps a few yo-yos on hand for impromptu demonstrations, just in case he needs to show off his skills (or entertain his kids).

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